The Pollfirst Advantage


The Pollfirst Advantage

Politics is a high-stakes competitive sport. There is going to be a winner and a loser in every election. The winner walks away with the glory, the loser has to endure a painful wait for another 4-5 years to get another shot at winning.

At Pollfirst, we understand what is at stake, and know that this is an unforgiving game. While we know that the game has thousands of moving pieces, we are among the select few who have seen the political game from the inside. We know what works on the ground and what makes only a limited impact on the ground.

First stop: Getting the electoral strategy right is the first step to a winning campaign. In our 20+ years of working in various political contexts, we have developed an understanding of how to define the political contours and define the path to victory. Our data driven approach and GIS based analysis of trends gives us a clear understanding of the lay of the land, and the challenges that lie before us.

Understanding the political brain: In the last two decades, we have dedicated a large amount of time in studying and understanding why people vote for parties/ candidates they do? The bigger challenge was to get this down to numbers and see if we could quantify how people make these choices and then build a campaign strategy around these patterns and trends. Understanding Political cognition is one of our core strengths and yet we approach it with humility, knowing that it is always ready to throw surprises.

Our ground team: Our strong ground team has handled elections across the country and execution of strategies on ground, working with party organisations and ensuring that the entire election machine works to its highest potential. Our unique methodology helps us collect data at the ground level as a first step to building locality level strategy. Each small piece of the puzzle contributes to the big picture.

Analytics: We then look at the voting patterns and trends among various demographic groups, including social groups, that are relevant to the political context. One of the key elements to identify key ‘interest groups' early in the campaign and ensure that the campaign highlights their ‘issues' effectively in the campaign.

Technology & Data: One of our core strengths is our understanding of how data works in the political domain. We have learnt from every problem that we have run into for the last 2 decades and found solutions that could help our future clients get past these challenges with relative ease. The trick is simple: we should not be spending time to solve the same problem twice.

Using Artificial Intelligence: The rise of AI has impacted every domain, but can AI really be used in politics? At Pollfirst, we have been working with AI and Machine Learning for years now, using it to analyze and classify content, measure brand perceptions and now, create content which could help our clients do more with less- time, money, human resources. While human intelligence is still critical to what we do, but using AI helps us achieve higher quality in content generation and faster turnaround. Greater speed, higher accuracy helps us add value to our clients.

Digital Targeting: Every campaign has two key challenges, what is your content/messaging- and more importantly- how does it reach the people? ‘Reach' becomes a critical factor as the world moved to a point where increasingly large number of your target audience is going to be on digital. We have developed our in-house digital targeting system which enables you to reach every habitation, not only in India, but also globally. Content could be ‘stratified' to be more relevant to the local political trends, demographic groups and more importantly, to the strategic messaging needs. You can now create thousands of messaging options and target them to the right geographies and demographic segments.